Beamlines at the Australian Synchrotron

The beamlines are the part of a synchrotron facility where experiments take place. Each beamline is designed for a particular technique, which may utilise the energy resolution and tuning, low divergence, polarisation, etc. of the synchrotron radiation. These factors determine how the optics components of the beamline are designed and built, as well as the energy range required. These parameters are given for each of the beamlines on the Australian Synchrotron website.


An initial suite of 10 beamlines was built at the Australian Synchrotron. Recently, 4 more were added and a further 4 are under construction.

Initial suite of beamlines: techniques and capabilities

Beamline NameTechniquesCapabilities
Crystallography and Diffraction
MX1 Beamline
High throughput protein crystallography
Medium energy, multi-wavelength anomalous XRD5 – 20 keVDedicated facility for crystallography of large protein crystals, set up with robotic loading and centring, and for remote operation.
MX2 Beamline
Protein microcrystal and small molecule diffraction
Medium energy, multi-wavelength anomalous XRD5.5 – 25 keVFacility with tightly focused x-ray beam for determining the crystal structure and electron density maps of small, hard-to-crystallise proteins, nucleic acids, and small molecules.
PD Beamline
Powder diffraction
Medium to high energy powder XRD4 – 37 keVVersatile high resolution powder diffraction facility equipped with sample chambers for a wide range of in-situ experiments.
SAXS/WAXS Beamline
Small- and wide-angle x-ray scattering
Medium energy SAXS/WAXS5.2-20 keVMeasurement of long-range, large-scale order in complex molecules and materials.
XAS Beamline
X-ray absorption spectroscopy
Medium and high energy XAS, XANES, EXAFS and XES4 – 45 keVMeasurement of short- and medium-range order, bond lengths, co-ordination numbers and local co-ordination geometry, and the oxidation state of atoms from atomic number Z = 20 upwards.
SXR Beamline
Soft x-ray spectroscopy
Low energy XAS, XES, XPS and AES100 – 2000 eVAs above, for the light elements, Z < 20.
Also for the analysis of surfaces and thin films.
THz Beamline
VUV spectroscopy
ARUPS10 – 350 eVDetermination of the electronic structure and surface characteristics of solid, soft matter and gas phase substances.
IRM Beamline
Infrared spectroscopy
FTIR spectroscopy and IR microspectroscopy0.4 – 100 µmAnalysis of bond structures in complex molecules, biological materials, minerals and band structures in certain semiconductors.
XFM Beamline
X-ray fluorescence microscopy
XAS, XANES and XES at a sub-micron scale5 – 25 keVFor producing high-resolution maps of elemental distribution in a sample. Also for determination of the oxidation state and co-ordination geometry of atoms in particles down to sub-micron size.
IM Beamline
Imaging and medical therapy
Phase contrast enhanced high energy x-ray imaging20 – 40 keV (to be extended to 120 keV)Very flexible beamline for research into high contrast imaging of objects from small animals through to engineering components.
For research into the physics and biophysics of cancer therapy techniques.

Additional information on the beamlines can be found on the Australian Synchrotron website.