Beamtime Awards

The tables below list the proposals that have been awarded beamtime at the Australian Synchrotron. Proposals are listed by proposal round, with the most recent round listed first.

2024/2 Proposal Round

Lead ApplicantInstitutionBeamlineNo. ShiftsExperiment Title
Emily ParkerVUWBSX6Protein complexes and conformational change
Vanessa  MorrisUni CanterburyBSX6University of Canterbury SAXS Proposal 2024/2
Adele WilliamsonUni WaikatoBSX3Protein dynamics for new inhibitors and thereputics
Ingrid UkstinsUni AucklandIRM12Quantifying eruption pressure conditions from tephra glass volatile contents of the 2021-2022 eruption of Hunga Volcano, Tonga
Anke ZernackMassey UniMCT9Exploring the 3D microtextural characteristics of rhyolite pumice clasts and powders from the Taupō Volcanic Zone, New Zealand.
Mohammed AbdelbassitUni AucklandMEX16XANES studies on the coordination geometries and oxidation states of novel transition metal oxide clusters
Jun-Xi WuUni AucklandMEX19Surface reconstruction of layered double hydroxide catalysts during the oxygen evolution reaction in alkaline media
Tilo SoehnelUni AucklandMEX23XANES studies of ruthenium in novel transition metal oxide clusters
Marina RichenaAgResearch LtdMEX26NZ – preferred access MEX2
Emily ParkerVictoria Uni of WgtnMX13Protein Structure and Function: AgResearch NZ, Ferrier Research Institute and Waikato, Victoria and Massey Universities
Matthias FellnerUni OtagoMX13University of Otago Structural Biology Group
Chris SquireUni AucklandMX13Auckland Structural Biology 2024 CAP Program
VariousUni CanterburyMX10.7University of Canterbury Researchers with Projects in Australian-Led CAPs
Emily ParkerVictoria Uni of WgtnMX25Protein Structure and Function: AgResearch NZ, Ferrier Research Institute and Waikato, Victoria and Massey Universities
Matthias FellnerUni OtagoMX25University of Otago Structural Biology Group
Chris SquireUni AucklandMX25Auckland Structural Biology 2024 CAP Program
VariousUni CanterburyMX26.7University of Canterbury Researchers with Projects in Australian-Led CAPs
Matthew CowanUni CanterburyPD6Tracking the conversion of ZnO to mixed-ligand zeolitic imidazolate frameworks (ZIFs) and ZIF melts for gas separation membranes
Aaron MarshallUni CanterburyPD6Tracking the reductive phase transformation of zinc ferrites to leachable zinc oxide in industrial electric arc furnace dusts
Martin W AllenUni CanterburySXR15Combined use of X-ray Photoemission Spectroscopy (Soft X-ray Beamline) and X-ray Adsorption Spectroscopy (MEX-2 Beamline) to investigate the effectiveness of sulfur treatments in tuning the surface electronic properties of SnO2, ZnO, and Ga2O3
Chang WuUni CanterburyXAS9Use In-situ XAS to investigate the evolution of electronic structure in highly efficient and selective OER catalysts for seawater splitting
Adam HartlandUni WaikatoXFM6Testing a novel cave-based paleoseismic tool for New Zealand using past Alpine Fault earthquakes
Michael RoweUni AucklandXFM9Understanding the significance of trace metal biosignatures in hot springs silica deposits
Total No. Shifts  142.4 

2024/1 Proposal Round

Lead ApplicantInstitutionBeamlineNo. ShiftsExperiment Title
William KeltonUni WaikatoBSX3Human antibody dynamics and the temperature-dependent structural behaviour of extremophile DNA-repair enzymes
Jodie JohnstonUni CanterburyBSX6University of Canterbury: Protein Chemistry Collective Projects BioSAXS
Joanna HicksUni WaikatoBSX6 Protein complexes and conformational change
Bashiri GhaderUni AucklandBSx6Solution investigation of proteins with biomedical significance
Aaron MarshallUni CanterburyIMBL6Imaging hydrogen and oxygen bubbles within porous transport layers to optimise the structure of low-cost AEM water electrolysers
Lucille ChapuisUni AucklandMCT9Revealing hearing in crustaceans: sound-induced motion in 4D
Richard HaverkampMassey UniMCT6Collagen surgical scaffold structures
Richard HaverkampMassey UniMEX13NZ – preferred access MEX1
Rare earth accumulation by microalgae
Tilo SoehnelUni AucklandMEX16Exploring the effect of Mechanical Milling on Rare Earth-Alkaline Earth Doped Manganites
Richard HaverkampMassey UniMEX26The role of phosphate accumulation in algae in metal accumulation
Vladimir GolovkoUni CanterburyMEX29Stability of metal-ligand bonds in metal clusters upon catalyst fabrication, activation, and testing
Samuel YickUni AucklandMEX26Investigating the effects of doping in the Mg-ion battery cathode material- Mo6S(x-8)Se(x) (x = 0 – 8) and  Mo4Ru2Se8
Duane HarlandAgResearch LtdMEX29Feasibility of mapping changes in sulfur-based protein cross-links in materials using medium energy X-ray absorption microspectroscopy (sulfur k-edge)
Emily ParkerVictoria Uni of WgtnMX13Protein Structure and Function: AgResearch NZ, Ferrier Research Institute and Waikato, Victoria and Massey Universities
Matthias FellnerUni OtagoMX13University of Otago Structural Biology Group
Chris SquireUni AucklandMX13Auckland Structural Biology 2024 CAP Program
VariousUni CanterburyMX10.7University of Canterbury Researchers with Projects in Australian-Led CAPs
Emily ParkerVictoria Uni of WgtnMX25Protein Structure and Function: AgResearch NZ, Ferrier Research Institute and Waikato, Victoria and Massey Universities
Matthias FellnerUni OtagoMX25University of Otago Structural Biology Group
Chris SquireUni AucklandMX25Auckland Structural Biology 2024 CAP Program
VariousUni CanterburyMX26.7University of Canterbury Researchers with Projects in Australian-Led CAPs
Samuel YickUni AucklandPD6Investigating the low-temperature structural anomaly in the skyrmion hosting material Cu2OSeO3 upon Co doping
Franck NataliVictoria Uni of WgtnSXR15Spectroscopic understanding of the facile dissociation of molecular nitrogen at room temperature on crystalline lanthanide surfaces. 
Fryderyk  LyzwaUni AucklandTHz9Cryogenic THz Reflectivity Measurements of Transition Metal(-Oxide) Thin Films
Shailendra SharmaUni CanterburyXAS6Unravelling the Structure of M-doped RuO2 (M = Mn, Ni, Fe and Ir) Under Oxygen Evolution Reaction.
Michael RoweUni AucklandXFM12Evidence of trace metal biogenicity in hot springs: preparing for a Mars sample return mission II
Total No. Shifts  160.4